It is through our partners and people like you that we have been able to serve on the mission field, be trained, and serve the local church. Thank you for investing in the ministry that we are stewarding through prayer and finances.

How to Invest Financially

You can give tax deductible gifts online by clicking the link below:

You can set up an account and give a one time or reoccurring monthly tax deductible gift and easily keep track of your giving through the year.

You can also send a check to Church of the Nations with a note designating the gift for Scott and Rachael Frase.

PO Box 300

Lake Luzerne, NY 12846

Thank you for considering investing in our ministry and Rachael completing her degree!

Prayer Requests

Photo of Frase Kids in Window
  • Emma has received a new diagnosis of Autism and Anxiety. We are so grateful that we have a diagnosis that will allow us to support her with the right resources. However, we have encountered several roadblocks in getting her the right help. We are on one year and a half waitlist and one six-month waitlist for the right services. We are looking at having to pay out of pocket to get her the necessary treatment now. Pray for the right connections and doors to open and for the provision for us to get the right help.

  • This fall everyone has been hit hard with health, we have had it all from the flu, strep, RSV, covid, and surgeries. Pray for good health and endurance.

  • Please pray for provision for Rachael to continue her Degree. She finished her class this semester at Fuller Seminary called Creation, Church, and Consummation, it was an incredible class. Pray for continuing support as we navigate cost and timing.

  • Pray for us as we continue to put one foot in front of the other and trust God in the small and big steps in our ministry and life.

  • How can we be PRAYING for YOU? Comment below!

Ask For More INformation

Please feel free to contact us for prayer or to ask for more information.