"Be Encouraged" by Cari Dougan

“I’ve been reading Brennan Manning & his softness toward Jesus envelops me every time. reading his words is leaving with a sob in your throat because the spirit of his devotion carries to the page.

Through reading, I've realized the reason why Jesus’ message is so unique it is because it opens us to the eyes of God. An internal and holy force, like cascading sunlight in our very chest, that allows us to see with new eyes.

There's a huge contrast between the loving of Jesus & the religious/external mindset. But I think we rarely talk about how the contrast is internal.

For example, in the story of the good samaritan, we see a priest walk by a man who was beaten, stripped of his clothes & left for dead alongside the road. His external law doesn’t require him or move him to stop and help. It is a force outside of his humanity, to put rules and laws and confine. His religion is control, which is ultimately self centered & not willing to be inconvenienced.

Then there’s the good samaritan: the one who I think symbolizes an internal awakening, a transcending from ego, one who is willing to see through the eyes of God. He was not only inclined to stop. but was MOVED to stop, by the spirit within him. This allowed him to see humanity before any judgment or pretenses. someone who is loved despite knowing a thing about them.

Our truest selves can be found in giving this kind of love, because it’s what we were made of. It’s the very thing we crave. 

The difference between the priest and the good samaritan reminds me of the saying, “you are what you worship.” If only external things are worshiped we will only see “external” change. Change in routine, maybe some behavior, but only when others are there. We put on a performance. A show. But the reality behind the curtain is very different. 

It's like religiousness is a stubbornness to not address our wounds. So we cover them with a performance and a look we think is necessary to be “seen.” But it leaves wounds unattended. left to the dangers of bacteria & infection. 

So underneath we are sick. All for the sake of an external show. 

While communion with Jesus offers a cleansing of our wounds, an unraveling so they can breathe & in turn be seen.

“We boast of our weakness,” as Paul says, because it shows the healing and restoration of Jesus. “So that christ’s power can rest on me” 

When we foster a deep relationship & communion with God, we see INTERNAL change. An unraveling of who we think we are, to understand who we truly are. How loved we are. Transcending our ego allows us to see our true self in the light of Jesus. In the light of the one who created us. 

In the bible it says we will find God in the eyes of the “least of these.” I have always thought it’s because he’s in the least of us. the parts we don’t like. the dark & selfish pieces. How he loves us there. Asks to dwell and be there.He doesn’t just say I accept you, he says can I live with you here? 

That kind of love is heartbreaking & world shattering. To sit with a holy presence, in the depths of our darkness. What we perceive as our ugliest, Jesus sees with the eyes of God. pieces of ourselves that were beaten, on the side of the road, vulnerable & left for dead. 

We get to uncover our wounds- let them in the light to heal. Because he has already stopped for us. He has already come for us. Expressed adoration over us. Right where we are. 

If we don’t see the parallel of Jesus stopping for the worst in us, we won’t see the healing available for our worst. And in turn we will lack compassion for anyone else. 

Our self loathing becomes an idol which blinds us to the wonder of God, the wonder of us, the wonder of creation. 

& If our religion leaves us rigid & unwilling to be moved by God's heart, we are a stumbling block to the freedom Jesus offers abundantly. as C.S. Lewis says, we imply that his sacrifice wasn’t enough. 

Control & religion is tantalizing because it can make us feel powerful, but it isn’t ours to hold. It is the very thing that stops us from being interrupted, even if the “interruption” is God himself.

While a relationship with God does the exact opposite. It allows us to see with the eyes of his spirit. Softens and liberates us with a radical tenderness. Bringing newness like we’ve never seen before. Restoration to deeper innocence and hope than we even had as children. A willingness to be stopped creates a willingness to be HERE.  

Be encouraged, by a love that refuses to let us be anywhere but here."