Who is Right?

One of the intrinsic flaws of humanity is that we all think we are right. Even if we might deny that assessment initially, if we truly own our disposition and look at the state of our heart, it tends toward doing, believing, and saying what is right in our own eyes. As the writer of the Old Testament book Ecclesiastes says, there is nothing new under the sun.

It does seem intensified in an era where everything that is going on in the world can be shared and observed through these tiny screens that we are addicted to. Furthermore, it has never been easier to share our opinions, perspectives, and convictions on a global stage by pressing that “post” or “share” button.

We live in a polarizing world. Who we are is often defined by who we are not. Often who we are not is presented in an “over against the other” way. With the debates over gun control, sexuality, abortion, (insert whatever issue you would like), etc., the thing we all have in common is the massive rift that divides us.

Rach and I have had numerous discussions regarding these issues and the way forward as Christians. Among our “conclusions” is that as followers of Christ, the way of the cross is our absolute.

There is nothing new under the sun.


Pro-Life, Pro-2nd Ammendment; Anti-Immigration, Anti- LGBTQ; Conservative; Evangelical; Complementarian


Pro-Choice, Pro-Gun Control, Pro-Immigration, Pro-LGBTQ; Liberal; Exvangelical; Egalitarian


Who is right? I am, you are not. This is our dispositional default.

As people who claim to follow Christ, the requirement of taking up our cross and dying to ourselves and living for God and others is foundational to who we are. Belief matters. Ethics matter. And the truth is that we humans are complicated creatures with experiences that have for better or worse shaped who we are. As quick and seemingly convenient as labels are, the issues and we as people are much more nuanced than we might like to admit.

This calls for wisdom. Not our wisdom or the wisdom of the world or our culture, but wisdom from God. As followers of Jesus, are our lives, thoughts, words, and deeds shaped by the way of the cross?

Gracious Father, help us. In your mercy, guide us. In your mercy, shape us by your Holy Spirit. In your mercy, conform us to the image of your Son. In your mercy, give us ears to hear and eyes to see. May we be a people who are shaped by the way of the cross. Help us follow your way in this world. Help us follow your truth. Forgive us for actions, words, and thoughts which have dishonored you and dishonored others. Forgive us for our complacency and the things we have left undone. Would you give us your wisdom and help us be the people you have called us to be. Thank you for forgiveness. Help us to do what is right in your eyes. In the matchless name of your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever, Amen.