2023 Frase Five Recap

2023 was significantly marked by the ebb and flow of life. Full of waiting and fulfillment. The feelings of being stuck and gathering momentum. Full of restlessness and being satisfied. Full of growth and reorienting ourselves. Full of disorientation and finding our way again, and again, and again as we continue to follow Christ. This year has really highlighted a yearning in our hearts as we have found ourselves in an extended period of waiting. But not just any waiting. An active waiting. A holy waiting. Another year of our sojourning.

We have been in Pennsylvania for 3 years now. It has not been easy, but that also does not mean that it has been bad. We are still here and continuing to move forward, while we put down roots and invest in the place and people where we are. So what did this year look like for us?

Scott and Rach traveled to Scotland in April, fulfilling a dream that we have both had to visit such a beautiful country and equally lovely people.

Emma finally received a neuropsychological evaluation (which we have been working to obtain for years). This resulted in a diagnosis of Level 1 Autism. Because she has this official diagnosis, it helps us obtain specialized services to help her navigate her world. Emma also became a Safety Patrol Officer at her school, performed at her 2nd piano recital, and auditioned and was selected for a part in her school’s upcoming musical. We are so proud of her and have seen incredible growth and courage as she not only is a strong advocate for herself, but others also.

Wesley has become a voracious reader. Although he is in 2nd grade, he is at a 4th grade reading level. He is tenacious, loyal, and fiercely committed to people and what is right. Anyone who has Wesley in their life becomes a better person for it.  He continues to build Legos, learn about and explore the outdoors, ride his bike and play basket ball.

Declan is thriving in his last year of pre-K. He just turned five and not only has he learned his colors in Spanish, but can also sign them. He is inquisitive and loves telling stories and like his hero Spider-Man can always be found jumping and climbing and swinging. He keeps us on our toes and smiling with the way he sees the world.

Rach continues to work with a variety of clients through her LLC, Tritonia Consulting. She has successfully served clients in the non-profit world, the podcast industry, and the marketplace. She regularly demonstrates her commitment to to help people and organizations thrive through project management, copywriting and the assessment, development, and implementation of strategies and systems.

Scott has shifted from his role as a stay-at-home dad to securing a new position as a production associate at a powder coating company. While this job may not align with his long-term dreams, it fulfills a practical requirement for our family at this time for which we are grateful. He remains dedicated to serving the local church through teaching and writing, aspiring to persist in this meaningful work.

Throughout this past year, we've experienced a whirlwind of activity and introspection. It's been a year of living in the tension between waiting and fulfillment, restlessness and contentment. As a family, we've encountered growth, moments of uncertainty, and repeatedly found our footing through our faith in Christ. It is our prayer that wherever you find yourself in your sojourn, that you would know the beauty of Christ in this season, and that you would find strength, hope, comfort and peace as you continue on your journey.

We deeply value the partnership we share with you, navigating both the uncertainties and certainties of life together. Your continued support and investment in our lives mean a great deal to us. Thank you for being a part of our journey.