Growth: Recent Readings and Takeaways


The photo above shows some of the books I’ve read recently (and Dietrich). The books are as diverse as their authors. A CrossFit champion, an English farmer, a surgeon, another farmer from Kentucky, and a prominent thinker and media strategist. Of course, this is an oversimplification of who the authors are, but it kind of gives you the lay of the diverse landscape presented by their writings (I’ve included links below to get to know the authors a little better if that interests you).

But, there are threads of continuity that run through the entire stack. Patience. Endurance. Preparedness. Training. Trial and Error. Forethought. Disappointment. Grit. Resolve. Resilience. Wisdom. Folly. Success. Failure. Humility. Pride. Community. Family. Relationships. Place. The real stuff of life. Things which are crucial to our growth.

All these authors are of a very similar mindset of focusing on what is going to make you a better person, a more stable person, and in turn a stability that will have the potential to positively impact those around you.

As a Christ follower, while I read through these books, I’m simultaneously challenged and encouraged. These topics have so much overlap with the Christian faith, giving me a greater perspective and appreciation for the journey that I find myself on. As Paul encourages in his letter to the Galatians:

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”[1]

Wherever you find yourself on your journey of growth, hang in there. Look to Christ. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you. Don’t grow weary of doing what is good, right, and noble. If you can do these things, no matter how incrementally small the steps may be, you just might begin to surprise yourself with who you begin to see in the mirror.

Wendell Berry:

Atul Gawande:

Mat Fraser:

[1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Ga 6:9.