Scott and I are humbled to walk the journey of ministry that we have been blessed to traverse. It has not always looked the way we have anticipated with many stops and detours along the way. However as we reflect upon the last year of unanticipated blessings and hardships, we see God’s enduring grace that continues to lead us forward. We know that the year ahead is full of unanticipated detours, and possible roadblocks again; however our hope is that as we continue to put one foot in front of the other in this season of training that the road ahead will become more clear. Will you pray for us as we continue to balance this season of training through school, working and ministry while also looking to the future of what God is calling our family too? We are beyond blessed to have community to walk with us.

There is something about a new year that instills hope. Maybe it feels like closure to the pain and challenges of the past year. Possibly it feels like progress toward the better, healing of the brokenness that was endured. Change is never easy it often equates with loss before we see what is gained. So as we close the door to 2019 may we be still and acknowledge the loss and gain of the past year so that we may look forward in eager anticipation to the road ahead in 2020.


I say the word strongish because what I anticipate is never the reality. I often start the year off overloading our schedules in an endeavor to get all that I need done. I am not saying this is changing the reality is our lives are very full with kids, ministry, school and work. That reality is not going to change. However, Scott and I are endeavoring to see the year ahead a little different. Instead of resolutions we hope to do a Rule of Life. See the link below to read about what this is.

Our goal for the year is to live a life that is more fully integrated. That in the midst of a busy schedule we allow for the space to see all that God is doing and room to respond to Him.

2020 Agenda for Scott and Rachael

Scott has been asked to step onto the Missions Board at our church and is excited to be a voice for missions in the local context. He is also teaching a Sunday School class on Jeremiah and Lamentations early Spring. He continues to teach with a team from our church at the Lifebridge a Homeless Shelter and works at Gordon Conwell Seminary as the grounds foreman. Pray that God would continue to clarify the road ahead as he walks in faith and obedience forward.

I (Rachael) will start two classes January 6th called Interpretive Practices and Practices of Worship. I am so grateful to be in this season of school. I will also continue to teach Judges on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. I will start teaching Ruth early this Spring. I also will teach the book of Jude in the middle of January. It is my honor and joy to be a part of these communities that truly engage God’s word and desire not just information but transformation. Read below to see the format for how we engage in our study with the inductive study.

Scott and I are also continuing to lead a small group at our church, which we love! We have found such rich friendship and community in these people.

Pray for us as we navigate these roles that we have been given in ministry and life while balancing what it means and looks like in our marriage and family.

THE KIDDOS: Emma, Wesley and Declan

These three are our greatest joys. Scott has a nightly routine of what the kids call, “fight club.” Which essentially means Scott puts on music and wrestles with them until they are tired and laughing. The kids wait all day for this small nightly routine.

We are hoping to get Emma and Wesley in Karate again this winter. It is a good activity to support Emma in her Occupational Therapy growth. Here are two videos of them completing last semesters classes.

Declan also started to walk right before the year is ending!